I think, creme brûlée might have been one of my favourite desserts when I was younger. If we were ever travelling and having dinner at a restaurant, I’d always be craving to share it afterwards. There’s a lot of satisfaction to cracking the burnt sugar layer and digging into the decadent and creamy pudding, who’s with me?

To this day I still love it, like I love most flan-type desserts.

Contrary to what a lot of us think, creme brûlée is super easy to make. One caveat – you probably need a torch… You might be able to caramelise the sugar in another way but that I have no experience with it.

This recipe makes 2 desserts – ideal for your weeknight dinner. But scale it up and make as many as you need.


  • 150g // 160ml // 2/3 cup heavy cream
  • 1 big tbsp // 20g sugar + extra for the top
  • 2 egg yolks
  • some vanilla extract


  1. Set oven to 150 C // 300 F and prepare a deep sheet pan. I suggest also boiling some water in a kettle now so you can then add it straight to the pan later.
  2. To a small saucepan on low heat add heavy cream and sugar, and mix. 
  3. Once the sugar has dissolved, add the egg yolks one at a time and whisk them in quickly. (Make sure the cream is not too hot at this point – we don’t want scrambled eggs here). Add vanilla.
  4. Get yourself two ovenproof ramekins and pour equal amounts of the cream into each one.
  5. Place the ramekins in the deep baking sheet and slowly pour the boiling water into the sheet until the ramekins are halfway submerged.
  6. Let them cook in the steamy oven for about 40 minutes, once done they should look pretty set and not jiggly. Carefully take the ramekins out of the water and let them cool completely, ideally storing them in the fridge for a couple of hours or overnight.
  7. When you are ready to serve, sprinkle about a tablespoon of sugar on top of each ramekin and caramelise it with the torch.
  8. Then send me a video of you cracking the sugar caramel and enjoy 🙂