You know those Sunday mornings when you wake up and think – damn, I could really eat some crepes right now. And then you open your fridge and realize you’re out of eggs. I’ve got you!

To be fair, this also works if you simply prefer a vegan or an eggless diet. Best part – the crepes actually 1) hold together, and 2) taste the same as your regular crepes! Don’t believe me? Try them!

Recipe serves 2-3 people.


  • 220 g // 1 ¾ cup white wheat flour
  • 720 ml // 2 ¾ cup soy milk (you can use any fake milk, just make sure to add more water if the milk is rather thick)
  • 1 tsp vanilla extract
  • 2 tbsp oil
  • 1 tbsp sugar
  • pinch of salt


  1. In a large bowl, mix all the ingredients together with a whisk, hand-held mixer or if you are feeling lazy – throw them all in a blender. Mix until well combined and there are no lumps.
  2. Now that you’ve got the batter, just go about making crepes/pancakes like you normally would. We will often cook the crepes in butter instead of oil to get them extra brown and flavourful, but any kind of oil also works. Voila and bon appetit!